“I won’t come as a campfire but as a wildfire”

Hello! Our names are Allan & Naomi McKinlay, we have been married for 21 years and have two amazing children Katelyn (19) & Matthew (17). We are from the Ayrshire coast in Scotland & have been involved in church ministry for over 20 years.

From 2006 - 2018 we had been living by faith doing full time ministry mainly in Scotland. We felt the Lord ask us to fan the flames of revival through the ministry of music & worship and mainly Allan travelled extensively around Scotland leading worship while Naomi was at home raising the children.

In Dec of 2018 we felt the Lord calling us as a family to move to America and serve on staff at The Santa Maria Healing Rooms.

During that time we both served in worship & prophetic ministry and also became Associate Pastors of the Vineyard church in Santa Barbara. After a clear call from the Lord to move back to Scotland, our family relocated back to Glasgow in Aug 2022, and served for a brief time on the leadership team of Ruchazie Parish Church.

As of the summer of 2023 we felt the Lord ask us to give up our roles in full-time paid employment and are taking the big step of obedience to be full-time support based missionaries in our own land. 

We want to take the opportunity to share our heart & vision with you all and share the ways that you can partner with us and get involved in the journey.  

In recent months we have had yet another vision. Allan had a vision of himself inside a church with some of the leader's, sitting back comfortably chatting around a log burner. At that moment the picture quickly changed to the group being outside and the whole building being on fire. The leaders looked worried and concerned but Allan just felt strangely at peace and felt the Lord say - don’t settle for the campfire but get ready for the Wildfire!  

 In the tabernacle sacrifices were offered, and fire fell on the alter. We believe that the sacrifice of worship, prayer, in Spirit & truth, that the Father desires will cause him to pour out fresh fire on the alters of our hearts as we gather. We believe there is a new worship movement that is going to sweep across the land preceding a great harvest. 

Our role in the vision will be to host and gather the remnants in key cities & towns. We are looking to Re-dig old wells and dig new wells – working alongside local churches and establishing new worshipping communities.  

We are sensing a great hunger for gathered worship, but for worship that the Spirit of God has freedom to do as he pleases. So, we seek to partner with the hungry remnant in key cities and towns across the nation. We don’t want to just go into a place as a one off but commit to gather, train, equip and establish worship communities in these key places by going in once a month until they are able to keep burning themselves and spread. We also have a heart to train up the next generation of Levitical priests. To come along side and to help develop gifting and the skills required for such an important role in the body of Christ. Whatever time we have left will be made available for itinerate ministry.

Having lived in California for 4 years, we are very familiar with wildfires, having heard and seen quite a few in our time there. Wildfires create their own climate; they are unpredictable and change with the wind and can take out whole regions. We believe that God is bringing wildfire to our old comfortable structures. We see not just small fires across the land but a fierce wildfire that causes our nation to be ablaze with a new move of the Spirit.  

“I won’t come as a campfire but as a wildfire, 

I won't come as a gentle breeze but as a hurricane, 

I won't come as a light drizzle but as a torrential downpour that washes and cleanses the land.” 

 So, with this vision in mind, we have heard the Lord commission us to start a ministry called ‘Wildfire ministries.’  We feel led to start to host the presence of God and to make space for Holy Spirit to move freely, without controlling Him. The Celtic church called the Holy Spirit the Wild Goose and we love the thought of the Holy Spirit being wild, not tamed or controlled but free to move however He wants to.

Join us on the journey! Become a Partner or come to a Gathering. We look forward to welcoming you!